Members of our company attended the Head of Loretnz in Hamburg, Germany for the three-day presentation of new and upgraded products ( PS2 & PSK2 Hybrid Controls ).


Who is Lorentz: Lorentz are the pioneers for over 20 years in photovoltaic water pumps. The Lorentz technology uses solar energy for water pumping for maintaining and enhancing life for millions of people, their animals and their crops worldwide. This is why their motto is

‘’Sun – Water – Life ‘’


PS2 Control : the PS2 Control is the new and upgraded version of the previous control that we all know. The new PS2 Control is very simple and easy to install and now they have the method of Bluetooth with which the consumer can monitor the operation of the Control via Bluetooth and to make the necessary arrangements so that the installation can become more efficient on the basis of needs. They may also monitor the operation of the installation via the Internet thanks to the new Lorentz Monitoring control. The PS2 Control can operate and during the night time by using Electricity by Network (EAC) by installing the AC Power Pack Control.



PSK2 Control Hybrid: The PSK2 Control Hybrid is the brand new control of Loretnz. The PSK2 Control Hybrid can combine the power from the Network ( EAC ) and from generator, but always with core the Solar Energy. With the method of Bluetooth, consumer can monitor the operation of the Control via Bluetooth and to make the necessary arrangements so that the installation can be more efficient on the basis of needs. In case of night or reduced solar energy, the PSK2 control can complete the required energy needed by the system through the network (EAC) or generator buy it self, therefore also called Hybrid