RES & EXE Fund

Submission Of Applications To The Photovoltaic Installation Plan For Electric Vehicle Charging Has Begun

The start of submitting applications to the Sponsorship project for the installation of a photovoltaic system for charging an electric or plug – in hybrid vehicle ” is announced . The amount of the sponsorship for the installation or expansion of an existing photovoltaic system amounts to €750 per kW, with a maximum sponsorship amount of €1,500 per vehicle.

The Plan was announced on 20/04/2022 in order to give the opportunity to the interested parties to proceed with the implementation of the corresponding investment. The Plan’s budget amounts to €1.5 million and is part of the efforts of the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry and the Government in general to promote electrification and sustainable transport.

In addition to the installation of the photovoltaic system, the Plan provides the beneficiaries with the opportunity to purchase and install a charger, convert the electrical installation of the house from single-phase to three-phase and purchase a battery to store the energy produced by the photovoltaic system. Beneficiaries of the plan are natural persons who live in a house and are owners of an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle.

The Scheme has retroactive effect from 01/02/2022 (date of connection of the photovoltaic system) and will remain open until 20/12/2023 or until the available budget is exhausted.

The amount of the sponsorship for the installation or expansion of an existing photovoltaic system amounts to €750 per kW, with a maximum sponsorship amount of €1,500 per vehicle.

Discretionary costs are financed as follows:

‒ Purchase and installation of a charger, €600.

‒ Conversion of electrical installation of the house from single-phase to three-phase, €450.

‒ Battery purchase/installation, €750 per kWh, with a maximum sponsorship amount per application of €2,000.

The Grant Scheme is included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan “Cyprus to avrio” for the period 2021–2026, and is funded by the EU.


All information about the Plan and access to the application process are posted on the website of the RES and EXE Fund:



Source: Ministry of Energy Commerce and Industry

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    Photovoltaic Systems Cyprus

    Sponsorship Plan for installation of photovoltaics and thermal insulation of roofs in houses

    The budget of the Sponsorship Plan for the installation of photovoltaics and thermal insulation of houses in the houses for the years 2022-2023 is increased to € 30 million, with the application process starting today and remaining in force until 20/12/2023 or until exhaustion of the budget, whichever comes first.

    The doubling of the budget compared to previous years was decided within the framework of the government package of measures to relieve the citizens from the inflationary pressures. It is estimated that more than 10,000 applicants will benefit from the sponsorship, which, by making the relevant investments, will significantly reduce their energy costs.

    In addition to doubling the budget, the Plan is announced this year with significant increases in sponsorships compared to the Plans implemented in previous years, with the aim of even greater support for citizens. Specifically, the grants are increased by 50%. An important difference is the introduction of virtual metering (Virtual Net Metering), for consumers who can not, due to technical limitations, install photovoltaic systems on the roofs of their homes.

    The Plan will cover the following categories of investments:

    CATEGORY 1 : Thermal insulation of roofs of existing houses. A sponsorship of 45% of the eligible costs of each application / residence is provided, with a maximum sponsorship amount per application of € 2,250. For the residents of mountain communities the amounts increase by 50%.

    CATEGORY 2: Thermal insulation of roofs of existing houses in combination with the installation of a photovoltaic system with the method of offset measurements (Net Metering or Virtual Net Metering). A sponsorship of 55% of the eligible costs for the thermal insulation of the roof is provided, with a maximum sponsorship amount of € 2,750 and funding of € 450 per installed kW photovoltaic system, with a maximum sponsorship amount of € 1,800. The maximum amount of sponsorship per application can reach € 4,550. For the residents of mountain communities the amounts increase by 50%.

    CATEGORY 3: Installation of photovoltaic system by the method of metering offset (Net Metering) or virtual metering offset (Virtual Net Metering) in existing homes. The amount of the sponsorship amounts to € 375 per installed kW photovoltaic system, with a maximum sponsorship amount of € 1,500 ( CATEGORY 3A ). For the residents of mountain communities the amounts increase by 50%. The amount increases to € 1,000 per installed kW of photovoltaics for the homes of vulnerable consumers, with a maximum sponsorship amount of € 5,000 ( CATEGORY 3B ).

    Existing residences are eligible, for which the application for a building permit or urban planning permit has been submitted:

    – for CATEGORIES 1 and 2 before 21/12/2007.

    – for CATEGORIES 3A and 3B before 01/01/2017.

    The Plan has retroactive effect to ensure the smooth continuation of the previous Plan of 2021. Therefore, investments made after 01/08/2021 are eligible. Investments made before 01/08/2021, are not eligible.

    All information about the Plan, including the Plan Guide and the application process, can be found on the RES and FDI Fund

    website: .

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