Roth Original Tracking System

Low-Cost Gel Harvests Drinking Water From Dry Desert Air

More than a third of the world’s population lives in drylands, areas that experience significant water shortages. Researchers developed a low-cost gel film made of abundant materials that can pull drinkable water from the air in even the driest climates.

The researchers developed a low-cost gel film comprised of abundant materials that can pull water from the air in even the driest climates. The materials that facilitate this reaction cost just $2 per kilogram, and a single kilogram can produce more than 6 liters (~1.6 gallons) of water per day in areas with less than 15% relative humidity and 13 liters (~3.4 gallons) in areas with up to 30% relative humidity.

The research builds on previous breakthroughs from the research team, including the ability to pull water out of the atmosphere and the application of that technology to create self-watering soil. However, these technologies were designed for relatively high-humidity environments.

“This new work is about practical solutions that people can use to get water in the hottest, driest places on Earth,” said Guihua Yu, professor of materials science and mechanical engineering in the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering. “This could allow millions of people without consistent access to drinking water to have simple, water generating devices at home that they can easily operate.”

The researchers used renewable cellulose and a common kitchen ingredient, konjac gum, as a main hydrophilic (attracted to water) skeleton. The open-pore structure of gum speeds up the moisture-capturing process. Another designed component, thermo-responsive cellulose with hydrophobic (resistant to water) interaction when heated, helps release the collected water immediately so that overall energy input to produce water is minimized.

Other attempts at pulling water from desert air are typically energy-intensive and do not produce much. And although 6 liters does not sound like much, the researchers say that creating thicker films or absorbent beds or arrays with optimization could drastically increase the amount of water they yield.

The reaction itself is a simple one, the researchers said, which reduces the challenges of scaling it up and achieving mass usage.

“This is not something you need an advanced degree to use,” said Youhong “Nancy” Guo, the lead author on the paper and a former doctoral student in Yu’s lab, now a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “It’s straightforward enough that anyone can make it at home if they have the materials.”

The film is flexible and can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the need of the user. Making the film requires only the gel precursor, which includes all the relevant ingredients poured into a mold.

Source: Scitech Daily

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    Mechanical Engineering Cyprus

    Air to Water Heat Pump (commercial use)

    Q-ton Air To Water

    Q-ton delivers outstanding performance and environmental benefits to a varied number of applications and is exceptionally energy efficient, resulting in big reductions to both power and carbon emissions.

    Q-ton uses the safe and highly efficient CO2 as a refrigerant, which is environmentally friendly as it is a natural gas and does not contain harmful ecological impacts compared to other products using standard refrigerants. Furthermore, the Q-ton provides a constant hot water supply from 60°C to 90°C and maintains full capacity at a low ambient temperature, therefore having the additional benefit of no requirement for a external heating source resulting in reduced installation time and costs.

    The Q-ton Story

    Q-ton Benefits

    Application Example

    How Q-ton Works

    Space Heating


    Via Mhi-Mth

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      * We collect, store and use the information you place on this form for the exclusive purpose of communicating with us for your best service, in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy. Your data is NOT sent to third parties.

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      Mechanical engineering cyprus

      11 Steps For A Summer-Ready Pool

      How to open up your pool after the winter

      1. Remove cover

      • Wind up the pool cover carefully ensuring as few leaves and debris enter the pool as possible.

      Mechanical engineering cyprus2. Clean the cover

      • Place the cover flat side up with the bubbles facing down.
      • If possible use the space available around the pool by setting the reel system back, creating a flat surface between the reel and pool.
      • Your cover can also be laid out on a lawn to be cleaned.
      • Rinse down with a hose or jet washer (ensure jet washer kept 20cm – 30cm from cover).
      • Use a soft brush to remove embedded residue.

      3.Clear the pool of debris

      • Use deep net or skimmer net to clear leaves and debris from surface and floor of the pool.
      • Open and empty skimmer baskets, clean inside of skimmer.

      4. Deep clean the pool

      • Use a soft pool brush to brush away algae and dirt off walls and floor of the pool.
      • Remove inlet cover plates and eyeball inlet nozzles and clean.
      • Vacuum the pool – run your robotic cleaner to remove the last residue at the bottom of the pool.

      Mechanical engineering cyprus

      5. Top up water levels

      • Run hose line to the pool and bring the water level to the middle of the skimmer.

      6. Set up the filter

      • Ensure pump is switched off and turn off inlets, main drain, and skimmer valves to pump and filter.
      • Open the lid to the pump remove the pump filter basket.
      • Clean the pump filter basket and reinstall.
      • Ensure the pump seal is clean and reinstall.
      • Use a bucket of water to help prime pump. Replace pump lid.
      • Open inlets, main drain, and skimmer valves to pump and filter.
      • Switch on pump for 24 hours, ensuring the multi-port valve is set to “filtration”
      • Backwash the pool filtration as required.

      7. Check chemical levels and balance pool

      • Take water samples from the pool (ensure taken 20cm under the water level).
      • Check pH, Free Chlorine (FC), Combined Chlorine (CC), (calculate Total Chlorine (TC)), Calcium Hardness (CH) and Total Alkalinity (TA).
      • Take appropriate actions to balance pH, CH and TA (take time to allow chemicals to settle).
      • Add stabilised chlorine to level the pool between 2-4ppm.
      • Allow to settle and recheck chemical levels

      8. Shock the pool (if required)

      • Put on PPE and weigh out shock chlorine.
      • Fill bucket with warm water.
      • Add the required shock to the bucket slowly.
      • Stir until dissolved.
      • Add shock slowly to the pool moving around the pool and ensuring not to splash and to pay attention around the skimmer.
      • Ensure all pool equipment is cleaned thoroughly.
      • Leave and allow the shock to do its work.
      • Repeat as needed.
      • Ensure the pool cover is off the pool water until the free chlorine level has returned to 2 – 4 ppm

      9. Reinstall the cover

      • When the chemical levels have returned to industry standards, reattach cover to reel and install on pool.

      10. Set the pump and filtration timings

      • Check the inlet nozzles are set to provide the best possible circulation.
      • Set the filtration time schedule ensuring enough time to completely circulate the pool.
      • For best heating performance set filtration to turn during the sunlight hours between 11 and 4.


      11. Check, check and Recheck

      • Recheck pH, FC, CC ,TC and make adjustments if required.

      Via Hydro Cyprus

      Are you interested in swimming pools? Want to know more from our specialist? Leave us your contact below and we will contact you.

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        Roth Original Tacker System

        Perfectly coordinated system solutions form the basis for handling demanding tasks in the installation of heating. The trouble-free connection of the pipes and the patented laying technique is therefore always the number one choice for all demanding applications. A perfect result is guaranteed, whether it is construction projects of family houses, apartments, offices or industrial buildings.

        The demand for high-quality living spaces in both existing and new buildings is increasing all the time,and with it the expectation of state of- the-art temperature control. Whether it be for residential building, office and business construction, industrial and sports halls or open spaces – what was an exception to the rule yesterday has now become expected: usage-optimised heating and cooling systems that continually keep pace with individual requirements. It is therefore hardly surprisingthat the majority of planners and building owners looking for modern and advanced system solutions are now choosing radiant heating and cooling systems. The retrofitting of radiant heating and coolingsystems is also gaining in popularity.

        The many innovations introduced by Roth over the years have made a significant contribution to this development. In addition to user comfort and freedom of architectural design, the decisive criteriain the selection of a radiant heating and cooling system are energy savings, hygiene and environmental protection.

        An optimal room temperature profile with precisely adjustable dosing makes the performance capability of Roth radiant heating and cooling systems readily perceptible – day in, day out. Equally, negative impacts on room temperature (such as those caused by swirling air, draughts or heat accumulation) are a thing of the past. As a matter of fact, their march of temperature characteristicscorresponds almost precisely to ideal heating (see graph).

        Experts know: the larger the heatradiating surface, the more effective and economical the room heating will be. In comparison with conventional radiators, the ideal room temperature with a radiant heating system is 1 ºC to 2 ºC lower. The resulting energy savings of 6 to 12 % speak for themselves, as do the lower system and flow temperatures. These systems are also extremely well suited for use in conjunction with equipmentthat produces renewable energy, such as Roth solar panels. Additional plus points are also to be found from the point of view of hygiene: the dryness of the heat deprives bacteria and dust mites of themoisture they need for survival.

        Roth Original Tacker® System… proving its worth in millions of new buildings

        Roth Original Tacker® System – for solutions that retain their value A system solution whose components are designed to work together in perfect harmony provides the basis for mastering sophisticated heating construction tasks.

        The Roth Original Tacker® System (which has proven its worth a million times over) used in conjunction with Roth DUOPEX S5® and X-PERT S5®+ system pipes provides the ideal foundation for creating a heating supply system that will retain its value in the long term. The friction-free interlocking comprehensive connection of pipe and patented pipe laying technique is therefore always the first choice for the entire array of sophisticated applications. Perfection in the result, whether it is for residential, office or industrial construction projects.Three system steps to perfection The high-quality ex-works prefabrication of all system components – pipe, composite panel and accessories – makes it possible: the complete Roth radiant heating and cooling system is laid in only three work steps using the patented Tacker technique. Of course, everything is in accordance with a precise computer calculation and taking into account all valid regulations.

        Roth radiant heating and cooling – comfort can be so simple Fase of assembly with a high degree of flexibility, paired with operational and building site safety and superior efficiency, characterise Roth radiant heating and cooling systems – even with unusual floor plans. The Roth Original Tacker® System makes assembly really simple and enables pipes to be positioned to the centimetre, with a view to achieving optimum heat distribution and cooling, even in the most difficult installation situations.

        The underfloor constructions of Roth radiant heating and cooling systems conform to DIN EN 1264 (“Waterbased floor heating”), taking into account DIN 18560 (“Floor screeds in building construction”), DIN 4109 (“Sound insulation in buildings”) and the Energieeinsparverordnung (Energy Savings Regulation [EnEV]). The consistently high quality standards of the individual components and of the overall system are documented by a large number of marks of testing, monitoring and quality. System composite panel for radiant heating and cooling systems Simple, fast, in compliance with standards: system composite panels made of polystyrene particle foam. An excellent choice for heat and sound insulation. They provide a self-enclosed space at the blink of an eye during the pipe laying stage. This makes it possible to have a two-sided, self-adhesive overlap that is 30 mm wide. A secure closure against damp and screed (in accordance with DIN 18560) prevents sound and thermal bridges from forming. In addition, animprinted grid makes it easier to put the system pipes exactly in place in accordance with precisely calculated laying distances. A strong solution for high stresses The Roth EPS 30 SE 26 mm systemcomposite panel comes into play wherever traffic loads are high (in car showrooms, for example).

        This composite panel or panel combination can be utilised under an appropriately coordinated screed construction with maximum traffic loads of up to 35 kN/m2. The Roth range of products also includesadditional insulation panels made of EPS or PU, which may be needed depending on the thermal insulation requirements of the application in question

        Are you interested in information about the Roth Original Tacker® system? Want to know more from our specialist? Leave us your contact below and we will contact you.

          * We collect, store and use the information you place on this form for the exclusive purpose of communicating with us for your best service, in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy. Your data is NOT sent to third parties.

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