Archives for Mechanical Installations

The power of Net Metering in your home!

One of the frustrations of off-grid systems is that the extra energy in the summer months can’t be stored for the winter.  Batteries typically store energy for only 3-5 days.  When the batteries are full there is no way to store the extra energy.  With net metering, you are feeding back your power over the summer and you get credited for it in the winter. Annual net metering rolls over a net kilowatt credit to the next month, allowing solar power that was produced in July to be used in December.

It encourages consumers to play an active role in alternative energy production, which both protects the environment and helps preserve natural energy resources. A net metering system gives you the advantages of producing your own clean renewable energy without concern maintenance hassles and with very durable components which has long life.

Net metering also allows small systems to result in zero annual net cost to the consumer provided that the consumer is able to shift demand loads to a lower price time, such as by chilling water at a low cost time for later use in air conditioning.

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natural ventilation


Natural ventilation systems are intended to provide sufficient outside air to achieve appropriate standards of air quality and to provide cooling when needed. Since the cooling capacity of natural ventilation is limited, a key design challenge is to limit heat gains through good solar control and careful management of the internal gains. Naturally ventilated buildings do not aim to achieve constant environmental conditions, but take advantage of dynamics to provide comfortable, controllable conditions for the occupants

Natural ventilation systems need to be designed to achieve two key aspects of environmental performance:

  • Ventilation to maintain adequate levels of indoor air quality
  • In combination with other measures, ventilation can reduce the tendency for buildings to overheat, particularly in summer

natural ventilation

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